This is for reboring all 3 cylinders and supplying three piston kits to suit.
The rebores are carried out on a SPS Minibar modified to accept the GT/TR block. We have over 20 years of experience doing this and can guarantee perfect alignment to the base face of the block. The honing is done on a Delapena machine after the ports are radiused to extend ring life. Piston cylinder clearance is critical especially on a piston ported engine. Pistons are measured individually with a Mitutoyo multipoint bore gauge, and differences, (if any) are allowed for when honing. We can obviously bore or hone individual cylinders if required, £60 each for the cylinder and £60.14 each for the piston kit.
Pistons are currently available in 0.5mm increments up to 1.5mm oversize. Other manufacturers produce larger oversizes, please email for details.
This is a reduced price as there is less set up time as all 3 are done at the same time.